Online florists offer to send flowers with their network of local florists closest to the place of delivery in Quebec. For any occasion, Valentine's day, mother's day, father's day, grandparent's day, births, weddings, funerals or love declaration, these providers can send flowers everywhere to Quebec.
Send flowers same day in Quebec, flower delivery today Sunday 16 February.
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Flowers from $ 35
Free delivery
Orders placed as late as 2pm in the recipient's time zone can be delivered same day
Saturday and Sunday deliveries are available in some areas for orders placed by 1pm in the recipient's time zone
Flowers from $ 40
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Check delivery options available by entering postal code and clicking on the calendar
Standard delivery may or may not be available for the same day
Flowers from $ 79.99
Free standard delivery nationwide
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Not Yet Checked
Edibles from $ 29.99
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